Fort Kalamata is built by the Portuguese in 1540, which you can find in Ternate, North Maluku province. Fort Kalamata is also called as Red Wood Fort (Benteng Kayu Merah) because it is located in Kelurahan Kayu Merah (Red Wood Village), South Ternate. The fort was originally named Santa Lucia, but became known as Fort Kalamata, which came from the name Prince Kalamata, the younger brother of the Sultan of Ternate Madarsyah.
Fort Kalamata was first built by the Portuguese (Francisco Serao) in 1540 to face the Spanish attack of Rum, Tidore. Later, the fort was restored by the Governor General of the Netherland Indies, Pieter Both, in 1609. Fort Kalamata was occupied by the Spanish in 1625 after emptied by Geen Huigen Schapen (Portuguese). After Spain left, the fort was occupied by the Dutch. Then the fort was repaired by Major Lutzow in 1799. In 1994, Fort Kalamata was restored by the Government of Indonesia and inaugurated in 1997. In 2005, the Government of Ternate renovated this fort by building yard and house for the guards.
Fort Kalamata is designed to resemble the four compass points that which has four bastions pointed end and viewfinder holes. This fort is located on the coastline, and from the back of the fort we are able to see Tidore island and Maitara island.
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